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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Painting prep (and the required letting of blood)

As we all know, the Elder Gods of Modelling require the occasional blood sacrifice. And I gave them a good one tonight. Slashed my thumb with a scalpel while doing some close-in work. Not quite as entertaining as the time I wiped off a new Xacto on my shorts and then discovered a rivulet of blood going down my leg, but nearly as red. Luckily, the mutant healing factor kicked in (ie, I wrapped my thumb in a paper towel) and barely a beat was missed.

This was mostly painting prep tonight. The Ju-88 (RLM80 mottling) and F-111 (tan camo patches) are ready for their final pre-decal trip to the paint shop. The F-22 is ready for its Light Ghost Grey and the T-50 and J-10 are masked for some additional metal areas painting. The two Hawk T-1s are getting their canopies masked, and will shortly be ready for their first paint coat. Construction-wise, I got the engine nacelles added to the B-50.

I probably won’t get the painting done tonight. The weather being nice (but don’t tell anyone; this is supposed to be Seattle, remember?) we were out on a local rail-trail conversion much of the evening. I actually got strafed by a Canada Goose who apparently did not appreciate me walking in what I presume was the vicinity of the mating pair’s nest.

But I will post some pictures after I get the items painted.

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