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Monday, December 7, 2015

A missing dictator

Since Falke asked the question, I decided it was probably a good opportunity to let you know something about what has been going on here lately.

Your benevolent dictator here in 72Land has been struck down in the last few months - since just about the time of the Seattle Show in April - by a series of health issues. Cardiac issues, a cancer scare, and a huge load of abdominal fluid that resulted from the cardiac issues. Literally in a row as the summer and fall progressed.

In fact I am going into the hospital on Wed (12-9) for a procedure, followed by another one on the following Wed (12-16). Then there will be some recuperation of course. I have not so much as picked up a bottle of glue or much plastic in nearly the last year, so there is literally nothing to report on that front. As you would expect, me being a modeller, that doesn't mean I haven't bought a few kits and decals in the meantime! 

I hope to feel rejuvenated enough in mid January or so to kickstart my hobby enthusiasm, and then channel that into the blog. So I hope to rejoin the blogosphere sometime in early 2016. So stay tuned; I hope you haven't seen the last of me yet! 

Thanks - Kevin Callahan


  1. Hola Kevin, que no sea nada y te mejores rapido. Luego tienes que establecer un programa de recuperación, comida sana y ejercicios. La salud depende en gran parte de nosotros mismos. Que te mejores.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. sorry to hear that Kevin.. get better soon! Crikey after a year off, you'll be raring to get go I shouldn't wonder!

  4. Gee Kevin, I feel quite the picker in not doing much on my bench this year- you, at least, have a (sorry to hear) Real reason for slow building. Get Better Soon.

  5. Thanks to all for your kind wishes. I'm back from round one of the surgical procedures, although round two has been postponed until January. Still breathing, which is the critical thing! I'll give the full recap when I'm a little farther along in recuperation. Again, thanks to all! - Kevin Callahan
