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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Progress on the Me-262 project

Having had a satisfying paint session last time, I was back in the garage today. Just a couple of jobs.

I put some faint camo on the Me-262 3-seater. Except for one small run on the starboard fuselage near the jet exhausts things went well. Next, I painted the exhaust collector ring for the Wellesley Lt Burnt Metal (one of my older Alclad paints since I don’t use it all that often, so it is not subject to the change in formula). Finally, I decided to put a high demarcation line on the P-1099 and the Me-262B, so I needed to get some additional RLM76 on the fuselage sides above the wings which I had not painted yesterday.

The 3-seater paint job wasn’t flawless, but in general things went well. I have to do some camo masking on the Wellesley and then, once the RLM76 cures, get some masking on the other two 262 variants as well. And there is some detail painting to do on the Katsuodori and 3-seater, so there is still much to do as spring starts to settle in here in the northwest.

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