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Saturday, May 25, 2013

Some downtime

Things have been a bit quiet here in the green and pleasant land of 72 in the last couple of weeks, though occasional construction continues on the three Soviet trainers and various other projects. Mrs 72 and #1 daughter have left for a week to attend a wedding in Reno and my temporary position ends next Tuesday, so hopefully things will pick up shortly. 

It'll be all text for a while though, because I loaned my camera-to-laptop connecting cord to my daughter to take along on the trip. So while I may have some pictures in the camera, they won't make it to the blog for a week or so. You'll just have to get your quota of indifferently-built model pictures somewhere else for a while....


  1. Ha, I guess I will need to step my game up and post more indifferently-built model pictures during your hiatus.

  2. Absolutely! We need to establish the Cult of the Indifferently Built Model in all corners of the world!
