production gears here in 72 Land are gradually getting back into operational
shape, limited mostly by ongoing mobility issues. But some work has been
accomplished setting up for the next paint session.
pretty much completed the Egyptian AF Hurricane after adding a few exterior
detail bits (like the antenna) that just love to break off and hide in the
carpet at the slightest provocation. All that is left is to apply the matte
topcoat and it will be ready to have its photo taken and moved into the completed
I masked
the Hobbyboss Eurofighter for those medium grey areas at the top of the tail
which continue down the leading edge of the fin. I’ll also be painting the nose
cone the same color. I’ll probably use a Testors spray can just for ease of
application. Next comes landing gear and finally, decals.
Monogram F-101B has had its nose cone attached, and it will need a quick coat
of Black. Still a fair bit of construction work on this one, mostly detail
exterior bits. It will also need to have the wheel wells stuffed with wet paper
towels prior to applying the overall ADC Gray paint. This is part of the
Complete Century Series project (complete because it will include the
prototypes of the F-103, F-107, F-108, and F-109). The only model I don’t
physically have in house is the Trumpeter F-105, though I have already sourced
some decals and a Master nose probe. I’ll probably pick the kit up from Sprue
Bros shortly.
Northrop XP-79 and N1M need their cockpits painted, but that likely will not
happen until the following paint session. But the ones in queue should give me
enough to do for one turn at the airbrush.