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Thursday, March 9, 2017

A new tangent

Over the course of the last few months of the recent mojo drought, I experimented a bit with other types of 1:72 kits. I already had something like 12 in the paint queue and didn’t want to make that logjam even worse. I’ve been on these little tangents before, including building and displaying 1:72 ordnance. The Tsar Bomba is probably the largest example of that.

But this time I began looking closely at vehicles. Since I have a few of them that came as part of other kits I got a few out and began tinkering with them. Most will be transports, trucks, bomb loaders, cars. I may progress out into actual armor at some future point since I have a number of 1:72 armor kits in the stash.

The first two are displayed in their partially assembled but unpainted form below. One you can probably recognize as the Scheuch Schlepper that comes with the Academy Me-163B kit. It’s a simple little tractor and Komet carrier combination, all one color (Gelb 04) and the only parts that need to be painted separately are the wheels and treads.

The second is in a much more rudimentary form. It is the transport carrier for the above-mentioned Tsar Bomba. Like the TB, it is a deceptively simple original that AModel has chosen to engineer into many many parts, some unnervingly small. Still a long way to go on that one, but this is its current state.

There are airfield support vehicles and such in a number of Hasegawa kits. Airfix has recently given some attention to American and British equipment (going the range from large tankers to tiny bicycles). I’ll have to pick those up before too much longer if I enjoy the construction of the items I’ve got.

About the only thing I haven’t explored is 1:72 naval. You might be surprised how many boat kits there are in our scale. Sooner or later when Revell releases Zvezda’s pirate ship in May, assuming the price isn’t too horrendous, I’ll have to pick one of them up. And that Predator 108 kit looks interesting as well.

You never know what you’re going to find when you start exploring the cobwebbed corners of 72 Land.


  1. Glad to see you back painting and posting, but this 72nd scale ship thing worries me...

  2. Heh heh. Not to worry. I can't see it becoming more than a passing fancy. But at least I haven't committed complete apostasy - it's all still in 1:72 scale!
