struggling a bit to revive my autumnal mojo. I currently have no less than 9
projects stalled in the paint step. I’ll admit to something of a pathological
fear of painting failure, but this is getting ridiculous.
I did
indulge myself and purchased a Xuron sprue-cutting tool. The generic one I had
was not doing the job, and this should help in cleaning up the sprue spurs for
ongoing construction. I also put in an order for books and decals to Hannants.
I don’t remember seeing a shipping confirmation; I do hope it left the premises
prior to the Telford scramble. There is also an outstanding book order from Sprue Bros.
Also, I found out recently that scammers have discovered this blog. Some of them are starting to pop up in older blog posts (in the reply section of course). Be aware this is beyond my control and feel free to ignore them completely. So if you see any odd postings for ED medicines, can’t miss stock training, or Asian dating sites (ok, that one might be my fault) then just pass em by.
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