While I’ve been distracting you with tales of my adventures on Ebay, I have had a couple of sessions in the paint room.
First of all, the new hose seems to be working as advertised, though I don’t think it is one that will reward rough handling. Still, “working” beats where I was last week.
Moving to the front of the production line is the What-if navalized P-51, which needed some repair and repainting to one spot on its overall Gloss Sea Blue surfaces. I also did a number of landing gear sets in Aluminum, so I should be able to make significant process toward finishing this one up as soon as the paint cures. I took a look at my decal stash to take a first stab at choosing markings. I figured that it probably makes sense to put late-war Corsair markings on this long range Sea Mustang. I looked for one that didn’t have large letters on the vertical tail surfaces, since the P-51 has much less real estate to use than the Corsair does.
The P-72 (USAAC European F4U1), on the other hand, seems most likely to end up in what were originally P-47 markings, so it got a coat of Neutral Grey on the undersides. I have a number of decals for the P-47N, and I’m not likely to build another Sword kit given the difficulties I’ve had finishing the one I have, so I may swipe some nose art from one of those sets. Maybe “Pris & Prissy”, since there seems to be some dispute about what colors it actually wore. More thought required.
The NA F-4J Fury got its underside painted white. The Halifax got its underside painted Black. I seem to be stuck on the undersides this week.