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Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Considering the fall project

It has been a bit difficult to generate much post-vacation modelling mojo. It’s not like I don’t have lots of projects on the go, because I always do. But getting will to power is not altogether easy when the weather is pleasant and you are experiencing the post-travel relaxation period. So what is the cure? A new fall project!

I’ve had this one under consideration for a while now. It does require some display space, and is probably dependent on whether I can set aside enough unallocated cash to buy my fourth commercial glass display case in December as I intend. They aren’t cheap (around $700 for the one I am looking at) and that front fence replacement is still on the schedule too. We’ll see.

Below is a photo of the 5 aircraft I currently own that will likely become a part of the Postwar Heavy Transports project. The fuselages belong to (from the top) the Italeri C-27, Italeri C-130, Roden An-12, Revell C-160, and the Revell A-400M. They will be joined next year by the Kinetic C-17 and the TanModel C-295.

I am still surprised that no one has decided to produce a new-tool C-130. The Italeri kit is from the raised-line era, which borders on the showstopper for me. Luckily these are relatively fine, and I can probably sand them flat without too much work. I’m still deciding whether to do this as a Blue Angels support aircraft or an RAF transport with anniversary markings.

I’ve already begun the A400 cockpit and interior, and will probably start playing with the C-27 within the next couple of weeks. But again, timing is everything, and much depends on when I start getting serious about the new display case. 

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Return of the glorious leader

All hail! The exalted and glorious leader of 72 Land has returned to his people.

We are back from our expedition through the western United States, visiting many places that we have been to a number of times before. But it felt good to get out on the open road again, something we haven’t been able to do for almost 8 years. The scenery was spectacular, the weather was dry (but hot), and we were able to spot some wildlife.

But it wouldn’t be one of our trips without the occasional disaster. This included a tire blowout on the first full day of the trip, fires in Grand Teton that closed the road into the park and actually caused the campground we had planned to stay in to be evacuated, tripping on a trail in Yellowstone that destroyed my right knee for much of the trip, and other such adventures. Wouldn’t trade the experience for anything, though. We’ve already begun consideration for next year’s extravaganza.

Here are a few random photos. 

1. Smoke streaming up from the Madison fire in Yellowstone. 

 2. Sinks Canyon state park in Wyoming. 

3. Antelope in a cemetary of all places. 

4. Bull buffalo in Custer state park. 

5. Wild burro in Custer state park. 

6. Prairie dog (actually at the Dakota Zoo). 

7. Space Aliens Grill in Bismarck ND. Great wood-fired pizza. 

8. Buffalo in Theodore Roosevelt NP.