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Tuesday, September 8, 2020

P-47 canopies

As pathetic as it may be, the following represents the sum total of my constructive modelling work done in 2020. Given the trials and tribulations of the year, including 7 months of hospital stay, this is likely the best I would be able to manage. And it is not over yet. On 9-21 I will officially go on to the national heart transplant registry. The actual surgery could happen at any time after that date.


So we’ll see how things go.


These are canopies for the two Academy P-47s. Since painting is a bit problematic currently, non-airbrush tasks move to the front of the queue.

Monday, June 15, 2020

One more try

My last home trip didn't last long (10 days) before I was readmitted. But I am considerably stronger now. It still may be a while until I resume production. I still don't have access to my paint and compressor. And the amount of cleanup and reorganization in the hobby room is monumental. But I will hopefully work this out soon.

In the meantime I will still stop by occasionally until I can resume at least some construction.

It's good to be back (well, sorta back in any case)!

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Back? Well, sorta

To begin with, I am still alive.

But I have spent 4.5 months as an inpatient at UW Medical Center in Seatle. The original surgery went horribly wrong and nearly killed me on the table. By the grace of God I did come back from that, but had to endure the rest of my time with setbacks, intestinal infections, and sheer bad luck.

I am now home, but due to atrophy of muscles due to the time spent convalescing, I am currently unable to walk. Hopefully the intensive physical therapy will correct that before too long. But it does mean I won't have access to the hobby room (where I build) and certainly not the airbrushing station downstairs. So I will still be AWOL for a while yet.

Hopefully I will be back before long. But I can't guarantee a return date, or really anything about the recovery, given the snakebit nature of the process so far.

But stay tuned - the game is not over yet!