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Saturday, December 31, 2016

And a Happy New Year!

Yeah, so it looks like all you're getting for the rest of calendar 2016 is another generic holiday greeting. It really has been a down time here on the 72 Land production line. Between my pathological fear of airbrush failures and a general malaise, there just hasn't been much going on concerning models. Hopefully I can engineer a mojo injection in 2017. 

Be that as it may, the benevolent leader of 72 Land wishes all of you a pleasant and successful 2017. Go build something, if only so we can raise the collective atmospheric mojo level and help me return to the production line. If you're a modeller, be glad that there are still lots of new releases in a hobby that some have considered terminal for a decade or more now. If you're a minor (or even major) celebrity, just be glad you made it through 2016 without croaking. 

And just cuz you knew I would do it: here is a shot of the calendar that my daughter buys for me each year to be put up on the wall next to the computer table. 

Saturday, December 24, 2016

A Merry Christmas to all!

As the hours wind down, some areas have already made it to Christmas day (it's mid evening here in the great Northwest US). 

I'd like to wish all of the remote subjects of 72 Land a merry Christmas. May your gift boxes be full of the kits, books, decals, and tools of your dreams. 

No snow here at the capital grounds, but it has been getting fairly cold by Northwest standards (down into the low 20s). Certainly cold enough to enjoy some hot chocolate (fortified by your beverage of choice, if desired), and some fine chocolates - if you don't live with a cardiologist at least. 

Merry Christmas!

And for the more sarcastically inclined holiday reveler: 

And I found one that perfectly sums up my pug Tug's attitude about holiday costuming. 

Monday, December 19, 2016

Mea culpa

Here I am again to apologize for not being here very often (which sounds rather odd when I put it like that). Lack of mojo and some seriously cold weather have kept me out of the painting room - ie, garage - and I need to clear the paint queue out somewhat before I can continue construction. 

What construction I do get done seems to start after everyone else has wandered off to bed, and at least after 11pm. The advantage of having retired this year is obvious. If I was still working, I'd be sacked out by that time as well. 

The problem is that I have to keep things quiet, and I generally would prefer to have something loud and obnoxious on the CD/BRD while I am modelling. 

Thus, I have arranged for a new set of Sony headphones so that I can continue to abuse my hearing ability even while everyone else in the house is asleep. Part of the Christmas deal which also includes some books and even a kit or two. 

So, as hope springs eternal, I can hopefully get some work done and restore my missing modelling mojo.